Information for new appointees (NAVs) on prices for the supply of bulk services
Ofwat publishes guidance to water companies in relation to the setting of charges for the bulk supply of water and wastewater services to NAVs. We have developed our Bulk Supply charging arrangements taking due recognition of the prevailing guidance.
If you are a NAV and wish to enquire about points of connection and discharge and indicative prices for the bulk supply and discharges services relating to a development, please contact us via email at:
If you are a NAV, SLP, or Consultant and need to apply for Site Served Status, Point of Connection and or Point of Discharge Information or formal price and non-price terms relating to a progressing or potential NAV, please use this application form and email it to once the relevant sections have been completed. Should you have any questions or require assistance with completing the form, please make contact through
You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Guidance for NAVs
Click on the tabs below to find out what you need to do – and what we’ll do – at each stage of your journey
Before you apply
What to think about before you apply:
- Do you have the exact site location? You’ll need to provide this with your application.
- Do you know the average demand and peak flow rates for the site?
- Do you know if Yorkshire Water currently serves the site? If so, do you know if disconnections are planned for the site?
- Has planning permission been granted for the proposed development?
- Do you want to hire a self-lay provider (SLP) to carry out any off-site works for clean water?
- What was the previous use of the land you’re developing on? (Greenfield or brownfield?)
- If the land is brownfield, have you had a contamination assessment done?
- Are you eligible for a reduction to your infrastructure charges? Check our charges information.
- Will you be installing any water re-use systems? (E.g. rainwater, boreholes/springs or grey water?)
- Is your development project notifiable to the HSE? (If so, we’ll need a copy of your F10 Notice).

Step 1: Apply for site-served status
What you need to do:
- Apply for a site-served status letter using the NAV application below.
- Make sure you include your site location plan with your application submission.
- Pay the application admin fee of £62.40 (incl. VAT) and the site-served status fee of £124.80 (incl. VAT).
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 5 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Investigate to understand if we serve any properties within your site boundary.
- Provide you with a site-served status letter within 21 days of receiving your completed application.

You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 2: Confirm point of connection and/or discharge (optional)
What you need to do:
- Apply for a point of connection (POC) and/or point of discharge (POD) report using the NAV application below.
- Make sure you include your site location plan with your application submission.
- Pay the application admin fee of £62.40 (incl. VAT) and the relevant admin fee for your request (POC only: £166.80 incl. VAT / POD only: £165.60 incl. VAT / POC and POD: £313.20 incl. VAT).
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 5 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Provide you with a full POC and/or POD report within 28 days of receiving your completed application. This report is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.
Just so you know, you don’t need to apply for a POC and/or POD at this stage. However, we will need a valid POC and/or POD reference number in order to process your application for a bulk supply offer and/or bulk discharge offer (see step 3).

You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 3a: Apply for a bulk supply offer (YW to do off-site works)
If you want Yorkshire Water to design and deliver any required off-site works for clean water:
What you need to do
- Apply for a bulk supply offer (section 3 of the NAV application below).
- Make sure you include all the relevant supporting documents – these are listed in the application.
- Pay the application admin fee of £62.40 (incl. VAT) and the bulk supply offer fee of £554.40 (incl. VAT).
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 5 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Provide you with a draft bulk supply agreement, a design and a quote for the off-site works within 28 days of receiving your completed application.

You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 3b: Apply for a bulk supply offer (SLP to do off-site works)
If you want an SLP to design or deliver any required off-site works for clean water:
What you need to do:
- Submit an application to self-lay water mains using the link below.
- Pay the self-lay application fee of £344.40 (incl. VAT) and the design checking fee of £189.60 (incl. VAT) if you want the SLP to design the works, or the design fee of £272.40 (incl. VAT) if you want us to design the works.
- Using your reference number from your self-lay application, apply for a bulk supply offer (section 4 of the NAV application below).
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 5 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Provide you with a draft bulk supply agreement within 28 days of the off-site design being agreed through your self-lay application.
For more information, take a look at our self-lay process.

Apply online to self-lay a water main and service connection
You can also download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 3c: Apply for a standalone draft bulk supply agreement
If you’re not ready for the design of any off-site works yet, but you would like a draft bulk supply agreement:
What you need to do:
- Apply for a draft bulk supply agreement (section 4 of the NAV application below).
- Provide us with the reference number for the previous enquiry you made to determine the point of connection (POC) for your site.
- If you have not already determined the POC, you’ll need to apply (and pay the £166.80 fee) for a POC report and a draft bulk supply agreement together using the NAV application below.
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 5 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Provide you with a draft bulk supply agreement within 28 days of receiving your completed application.

You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 3d: Apply for a bulk discharge offer
What you need to do:
- Apply for a bulk discharge offer (section 5 of the NAV application below).
- Provide us with the reference number for the previous enquiry you made to determine the point of discharge (POD) for your site. This may be a NAV POD enquiry, a pre-planning sewerage enquiry or a sewer connection (S106) application.
- If you have not already determined the POD, you’ll need to apply (and pay the £165.60 fee) for a POD report and a bulk discharge offer together using the NAV application below.
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 5 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Provide you with a draft bulk discharge agreement within 28 days of receiving your completed application.

You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 4: Accept bulk supply and/or discharge agreement
- What you need to do:
Send confirmation to that you’re happy with your draft bulk supply and/or discharge agreement.
- What we’ll do:
Provide you with a formal bulk supply and/or discharge agreement within 28 days.
- What you need to do:
Sign the formal agreement and return it to us.
- What we’ll do:
Counter-sign and return the agreement within 5 days.

Step 5: Book in any required off-site works (bulk supply only)
If Yorkshire Water is designing and delivering any required off-site works:
What you need to do:
- Pay your quote.
- Complete a mains call-off request form using the link below to book in the off-site works. There is an admin fee of £271.20 (incl. VAT) for processing this form.
- Make sure to pay your quote and book in the off-site works within the 12-month validity period otherwise you’ll need to request a re-quote based on next year’s charges.
What we’ll do:
- Process your quote payment and send you a VAT receipt within 24 hours of clearance. (Please bear in mind that it may take up to a week for a payment to clear).
- Pass your work order to our delivery team, Network Plus, who will:
- Plan in the work and set a start date that’s within 90 days of your call-off (please note: this could take longer if we find we need to close the road).
- Call you within 7 days of your call-off to confirm the start date and arrange a pre-start meeting with you.
- Come to meet you on site before the agreed start date.

You can download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If an SLP is designing or delivering any required off-site works:
What you need to do:
Please submit the following to get the works booked in:
- Your signed self-lay agreement
- Source of water confirmation form
- Payment of the quote
What we’ll do:
- Process your payment and send you a VAT receipt within 24 hours of clearance. (Please bear in mind that it may take up to a week for a payment to clear).
- Counter-sign and return a copy of the self-lay agreement, confirming the source of water delivery date, within 7 days of receiving the above.
- Provide details needed for the SLP to carry out an under-pressure connection (if relevant).
- Pass the work order to our delivery team, Network Plus, who will:
- Call you within 7 days of receiving the above to arrange a pre-start meeting with you.
- Come to meet you on site as arranged to discuss the upcoming works.
Please bear in mind that if we are installing your bulk supply meter, you are required to prepare the site for the bulk supply meter installation as per the agreed design. Please ensure that you are ready for us to install the bulk supply meter when providing the source of water. The meter must be installed before we can approve the final connection of your mains to our network.
For more information, take a look at our self-lay process.

Step 6: Apply for sewer connections (bulk discharge only)
What you need to do:
- Apply to make a connection(s) to the public sewer network using the link below.
- Make sure you include all the relevant supporting documents – these are listed in the application.
- Pay your application fee (£212 per unadopted connection or £557 per adoptable connection).
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 7 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Assess your application and issue an approval, or a letter explaining our objections, within 21 days.
- Assign a dedicated point of contact to support you through the connection process.
Just so you know, your drainage contractor must carry out the connection(s) according to the method and specifications set out in our approval letter.
For more information, take a look at our sewer connections process.

Apply online to make a connection to the public sewer network
You can also download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 7: We set up the billing account
If Yorkshire Water is installing the bulk supply meter
What we’ll do:
- Our delivery team will provide us with the meter details and we will set up your billing account. You don’t need to take any further action.
If you are installing the bulk supply meter
What you need to do:
- Supply the meter details using the NAV bulk meter information form below and return to
What we’ll do:
- Set up your billing account. You don’t need to take any further action.

NAV bulk meter information form
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Working together
We've put together a document which details how we will work with NAVs to support their application to Ofwat to obtain an Instrument of Appointment and associated variations, along with the services that Yorkshire Water provide to NAVs prior to, and following, the signing of an Agreement.
You can view this document in your browser or download it.
Bulk supply charging arrangements
Bulk supply charging arrangements for 2025-26
Charging arrangements for NAVs 2025-26 - Summary
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Charging Arrangements for NAVs 2025-26 Charging Methodology
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Bulk Supply charging self-serve model 2025-26
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Bulk supply charging arrangements for 2024-25
Bulk Supply charging arrangements for 2024-25
In January 2024, we published our latest Wholesale Charges Scheme for 2024-25. The wholesale charges are an integral component of how we set our charges for the supply of bulk water and wastewater services for NAVs.
We have updated our Bulk Supply Charges for NAVs for 2024-25. We have produced a ‘menu-based’ approach to setting and publishing these charges which will mean NAV users will be able to assess the bulk tariff information in an easy to use format.
We provide both a summary document and a fuller explanatory document for 2024-25 detailing our approach to setting bulk supply charges for NAVs and the updates made from our charges between 2023-24 and 2024-25.
If you have any questions regarding the use of the pricing model our bulk charges for NAVs, please contact:
Charging arrangements for NAVs 2024-25 - Summary
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Charging Arrangements for NAVs 2024-25 Charging Methodology
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Bulk Supply charging self-serve model 2024-25
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Draft bulk discharge agreement
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Bulk Supply charging arrangements for 2023-24
Our Bulk Supply Pricing Policy sets out our charging arrangement for bulk supply services for NAVs for 2022-2023 It, along with our Bulk Supply Pricing Model, are available to download below.
Our charging arrangements for NAVs 2023-24
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Bulk supply pricing model for NAVs
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Our consultation on NAV Bulk Supply charging
In February 2019, we published our New Appointments and Variations (NAVs) Bulk Supply charging for consultation. This set out our updated bulk supply charging policy and how it aligns with the regulatory guidance and the wider context set by Government. The bulk charges covered by this consultation only relate to bulk supplies from Yorkshire Water to a NAV. The consultation document can be found in the supporting documents lower down this page.
In April 2019 we published the results of the consultation regarding our approach to pricing for the provision of bulk supply services to NAV’s in the region served by Yorkshire Water, and we wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on our progress. The results to the consultation are available to download lower down this page.
Our aim throughout the development process has been to ensure that our bulk supply charging approach and model enables fairness and transparency for all NAV’s, and we believe we have achieved this objective. We have now had the opportunity to consider all the feedback we received through the consultation exercise and we thank all participants for their valued input.
Although the consultation has closed, we would welcome your feedback on our Bulk Supply Pricing Policy and the Bulk Supply Pricing Model. Please send us your comments using the contact details below.
Via email:
Or via post:
Regulation Department
Yorkshire Water
Western House
Western Way
Supporting documents
Our response to consultation feedback
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
NAV bulk supply consultation document
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Unserved status of sites and network information
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Adoption policy for assets outside of our geographic area
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
Tell us what you think
We aim to provide a high standard of service and to treat you with courtesy and fairness at all times. We welcome any comments you may have, and we try to answer queries and resolve complaints quickly and in full.
Please contact us as soon as possible if you’re not satisfied with our service. We’ll then investigate your complaint and try to resolve it to your satisfaction. Where your complaint is justified, we’ll apologise and do everything we can to put things right as soon as possible.