We don’t want anyone to worry about paying for the water they need. If you’re struggling to pay, there’s immediate short term and longer-term schemes you can apply for.
Ongoing help
Are your bills mounting up? We’ve got a range of ongoing help schemes you can apply for:
A bill cap scheme for customers who have a water meter, claim an income-based benefit, claim Universal Credit and need to use extra water because they have a medical condition or three or more children.
A bill cap scheme for low income households. You might be eligible if you have a household income below £19,000 and your annual water bill is more than £364.
Households with dependent children, or larger occupancies, may be eligible for additional income allowance.
Community Trust
A debt support scheme for customers who have have arrears with Yorkshire Water between £50 and £1500 and at least one priority debt.
Water Direct
A debt support scheme for customers who receive a deductible income-based benefit. We can take payments directly from your benefits. Less hassle, less worry!
A debt support scheme for customers who are struggling to catch up on previous water bills. Our Resolve scheme could help you be debt-free so you can continue paying your water bill in affordable amounts.
Not sure which is for you?
No problem. Check out our frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page for more information or give us a call and we'll help you find the right scheme.
More ways to cut your bill
If you're not eligible for any of our schemes or you want to save more money, here are some other ways you can cut your bills:
Water meters
Depending on water usage and how many people are in your home, you could save money with a water meter.
Save water
A few small changes can make a difference and save lots of water, which will cut your utility bills.
Payment break
Can’t make this month’s payment? If your circumstances have changed and you’re struggling to pay your bill, or you’re concerned you might struggle in the future, please don’t worry.
You can apply for a payment break if:
- your income has stopped and you need to pause your payments
- your income has significantly reduced and you need to lower your payments for a while
- you're unable to get out to pay your bill.
Talk to us
If you’re struggling to pay your water bill, we're here to help.
Give us a call on 0345 1 299 299 and we can discuss the best way forward for you.
We’re open 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 3pm Saturday.
Other people who can help
If you're struggling with more than just your water bill, you may be able to get help and support from many independent charities.
Frequently asked questions
Can I get help with my water bill if I use a lot of water because of a medical condition or home dialysis?
If you use a lot of water because of a medical condition, you might be eligible for our WaterSure scheme.
WaterSure can help you if you:
- have a water meter
- receive an income-based benefit
- have a medical condition where you use more water
Income based benefits include:
- Income Related ESA
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit (not just the family part)
- Housing Benefit
- Pension Credit
- Universal Credit.
See if you're eligible for WaterSure
To apply for WaterSure, download the WaterSure application form and save it onto your computer, open it up and fill in. Remember to save the form once you've finished!
You'll also need to send us:
- proof of your benefit entitlement
- a copy of your repeat prescription or a doctor's certificate/letter explaining your condition and why you need to use extra water
Email your form and supporting documents to the address on your application form.
If you want to send your completed form and supporting documents to us by post, please send them to: Yorkshire Water, PO Box 52, Bradford, BD3 7YD.
Can I get help with my water bill if I have a large family?
If you use a lot of water because of a medical condition, you might be eligible for our WaterSure scheme.
WaterSure can help you if you:
- have a water meter
- receive an Income-based benefit
- have three or more children under the age of 19
Income based benefits include:
- Income Related ESA
- Income Support
- Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit (not just the family part)
- Housing Benefit
- Pension Credit
- Universal Credit.
See if you're eligible for WaterSure
To apply for WaterSure, download the WaterSure application form and save it onto your computer, open it up and fill in. Remember to save the form once you've finished!
You'll also need to send us:
- proof of your benefit entitlement
- proof of Child Benefit entitlement for each child
Email your form and supporting documents to the address on your application form.
If you want to send your completed form and supporting documents to us by post, please send them to: Yorkshire Water, PO Box 52, Bradford, BD3 7YD.
Can I get help with my water bill if I have a low income?
If you have a low household income and your annual water bill is over £364, you might be eligible for our WaterSupport scheme.
To apply for WaterSupport, download the WaterSupport application form and save it onto your computer, open it up and fill in. Remember to save the form once you've finished!
You'll also need to send us proof of your income.
When you're finished, email the form and your proof of income to the address on your application form.
If you want to send your completed form and supporting documents to us by post, please send them to: Yorkshire Water, PO Box 52, Bradford, BD3 7YD.
Can I get help if I have Yorkshire Water debt or arrears?
If you have Yorkshire Water debt or arrears, you might be eligible for our Resolve scheme or a Community Trust Award.
If you’re struggling to catch up on previous water bills, our Resolve scheme could help you be debt-free so you can continue paying your water bill in affordable amounts.
We’ll agree regular payments with you for a minimum of 12 months. As you make your payments, rewards towards your arrears will be added to your account. This will be done every 3 months.
To qualify you must be on a low income and have arrears that are over 12 months old.
To find out more, or apply for Resolve please call us on 0345 1 299 299.
Community Trust
If you have arrears with Yorkshire Water, between £50 - £1500, and at least one priority debt, you might be able to get an award towards your water arrears. If your arrears are over £1500 an application would be rejected.
A priority debt is arrears with:
- rent
- mortgage
- council tax
- gas
- electricity
- HMRC Income Tax.
To apply for a Community Trust Award, download the Community Trust application form and save it onto your computer, open it up and fill in. Remember to save the form once you've finished!
You'll also need to send us proof of your income, such as:
- bank statements (dated within the last 3 months)
- benefit award notices (most recent award letter)
- wage slips (dated within last 3 months)
- self-employed business records (most recent Self-Assessment Tax return).
When you're finished, email the form and your proof of income to ywcommtrust@loop.co.uk.
If you want to send your completed form and supporting documents to us by post, please send them to: Yorkshire Water Community Trust, PO Box 1266, 1 Mid Point, Thornbury, Bradford, BD1 9BG
The maximum award is £750 for successful applications. You can apply for a Community Trust Award once every five years.
I've applied for a Yorkshire Water support scheme, what happens next?
After we receive your application and any supporting documents, we'll be in touch to discuss the next steps.