Yorkshire Water offers free lessons for schools and homeschoolers

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Yorkshire Water is continuing to offer its free lessons to schools and parents who are homeschooling during the current national lockdown.

The company has a dedicated home learning hub on its website where teachers and parents can access guided outdoor lessons, sessions on the water cycle, wastewater treatment which includes ‘poo power’ and water conservation; all key parts of the current school curricula.

Lessons are available for Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 groups, and also cover how waste is removed, treated and returned to the environment by Yorkshire Water. Flooding and sustainable drainage systems lessons are available through Yorkshire Water’s Living With Water partnership, as well as water safety and pond dipping exercises.

Anne Reed, social responsibility and education manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “The last 12 months have been difficult for children across the country, with many missing time at school and learning from home.

“We have worked hard to provide a range of teaching resources online that are easy to use by teachers and parents looking to enhance the learning experience for children.”

As well as online lessons, Yorkshire Water is also providing careers talks for Key Stage 3 and 4 students up until March 2021.

The sessions include a live introduction from Yorkshire Water’s education team, a presentation which includes 'What Yorkshire Water does', examples of roles in all areas of the business, routes into the company and a sample of our apprenticeship and graduate roles.

Talks can be delivered during form time, personal development lessons, in place of assemblies or within subject specific lessons.

Further information on the resources available visit Yorkshire Water’s education hub.