What do you need to do?
You need to send us a completed application form, along with your application fee and any supporting material. The guidance notes give you advice on completing the application form, connection methods and associated fees.
The fee is non-refundable so do check your connection is to a public sewer before applying. Once we receive your completed application and payment, we’ll carry out a technical assessment and aim to respond within 21 calendar days with either an acceptance of the proposed works or a letter explaining our objections.
There are different charges for sewer connections, so please read the application form and guidance notes.
For proposed buildings covered by a planning application, there's no right of connection to a public sewer under S106 of The Water Industry Act until planning approval has been granted and any drainage conditions discharged.
4 simple steps to a new sewer connection
Click on the tabs below to find out what you need to do – and what we’ll do – at each stage of your journey.
Before you apply
We recommend reading our Sewer Connection Guide before you complete your application.
What to think about before you apply:
Have you hired a qualified contractor to make the connection(s)? You’ll need to provide their details in your application unless you are doing the works yourself.
Are there any neighbouring landowners that may be affected by the connection work and, if so, do you have their permission to carry out this work?
Do you want us to adopt (take ownership of) the lateral drain(s) connecting the property to the public sewer system? If so, this comes with an additional upfront charge and the drain(s) must meet our product approval standards.
Are you eligible for a reduction to your infrastructure charges?
Is your development project notifiable to the HSE? (If so, we’ll need a copy of your F10 Notice).

Step 1: Apply
What you need to do:
- Apply to make a connection(s) to the public sewer network using the link below.
- Make sure you include all the relevant supporting documents – these are listed in the application.
- Pay your application fee (£212 per unadopted connection or £557 per adoptable connection)
What we’ll do:
- Get back to you within 7 days to let you know we’ve got everything, or if we’re missing any details.
- Assess your application and issue an approval, or a letter explaining our objections, within 21 days.
- Assign a dedicated point of contact to support you through the connection process.

Apply online to make a connection to the public sewer network
You can also download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Step 2: Make the connection(s)
What you need to do:
- Your drainage contractor must carry out the connection(s) according to the method and specifications set out in our approval letter.
What we’ll do:
- We’re not involved in any work at this stage.
Step 3: Book in the inspection
What you need to do:
- Call the phone number on your approval letter, quoting your customer reference number, at least 7 days in advance to book in an inspection of the works.
- Make sure the trench where the connection is laid is open and accessible before our inspector comes to site.
What we’ll do:
- Agree a date and time slot for the inspection with you.
- Come to site to inspect the connection works.
- Sign off the connection(s), or ask for further information about the works if there’s an issue.

Step 4: Completion certificate
What you need to do:
- Wait to receive your completion certificate to confirm that the connection has been signed off.
What we’ll do:
- Issue a completion certificate within 14 days of the inspection

You will need
- A location plan
- Drawing of proposal
- F10 notice
- Any additional information that might support your application.
Now accepting BACS
Apply online
Our online application form is the quickest and easiest way to apply.
You can pay your application fee by bank transfer or payment card using our secure system.
Application fee: £212 per unadopted connection / £557 per adoptable connection
You can also download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Making a new connection to a public sewer guidance notes
You can read this document in your browser or download it.
What happens next?
Once approved, you'll arrange for a contractor to make the connection at your cost and our inspector will monitor the work as it takes place. We recommend using a suitably qualified and experienced contractor.
Connections of land and highway drainage/road gullies have no right of connection to the public sewer network. Highway drainage may be considered; please get in touch.
When a property is connected to the public sewer network for the first time, a sewerage infrastructure charge is payable. This is usually collected at the same time as any charges for any new water supply connection.
If the work involves excavations in the public highway (including footways and grass verges) you'll have to obtain consent from the Highway Authority (this is usually your Local or County Council). The Highway Authority will require you to use a certified contractor in accordance with the New Road and Street Works Act 1991.
All sewer connections must be gravity connections and shall be inspected and approved by our inspector before any additional pipes are laid or before concreting or backfilling.
Please note that foul water must not be disposed of to a surface water sewer and surface water should generally not be discharged to a foul or combined sewer.
We'll refuse a connection to a public sewer if it appears to be detrimental to the public sewer network in terms of the mode of construction, or condition of the drain or sewer.
Highway Drainage (S115)
In some circumstances, a local highway authority or civil engineering company acting on behalf of a highways authority can apply for our approval for a highway connection to the public sewer network as part of an Agreement under section 115 (S115) of the Water Industry Act 1991.
Unlike domestic drainage, highway drainage does not have the automatic right of connection to the public sewer system. For us to consider a proposed highway connection, we’ll need to see evidence in your application that:
- sustainable drainage features are not a viable option
- there are no watercourses or highway drains available nearby
- there’s capacity within the public sewer network.
Once we have your completed application and payment of the associated fee, we’ll carry out a technical assessment and aim to respond within 21 calendar days. Our response will be either an acceptance of the proposed works and guidance on arranging the relevant legal agreement, or a letter explaining our objections.
Application for a highway drainage connection (s115)
You can also download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.