Applications open for Yorkshire Water Industrial Cadet work experience programme

Applications are now open for Yorkshire Water’s Industrial Cadet programme, which offers five days of work experience to young people aged 16-18.
Held at Yorkshire Water’s Esholt treatment works and flagship learning academy, and accredited by the Engineering Development Trust, the programme provides insight on how the water industry works as well as the range of professions available within it.
It also tackles some of the challenges the UK water industry faces with a focus on the environment and sustainability, leakage operations, water conservation and water safety throughout the week.
The Industrial Cadet programme takes place from Monday 4 to Friday 8 July 2022.
Successful applicants will:
- Meet people from around the business to understand how the UK water industry works, the variety of work Yorkshire Water undertakes and the different professions within the industry
- Visit a water treatment facility to understand its journey from source to tap and some of the issues the UK water industry faces
- Take part in various team building activities
- Work in a team to complete a short project linked to water conservation and water resource management.
- Present project findings back to Yorkshire Water colleagues
Anne Reed, social responsibility and education manager at Yorkshire Water said: “Our Industrial Cadet programme provides insight into the water industry for students aged 16 to 18.
“Successful applicants will gain an awareness and understanding of the water industry and the challenges it will face in the future, as well as understanding how the sector impacts the environment and what it does to reduce those impacts.
“Career opportunities at Yorkshire Water are many and varied, with those attending this course having the opportunity to meet people from across the business and understand the roles available to them in the future.”
Students and careers teachers interested in the programme can request more information by emailing