Report a leak online

Incidents reported online will be looked at during our working hours:

6.30am to 10pm Monday to Saturday

7.30am to 10pm on Sundays

Report an out of hours emergency

If it's late and there's an emergency, please give us a ring on 0345 1 24 24 24.

If it's not an emergency, please report your problem online and we'll pick this up during working hours.

Incidents reported online will be looked at during the hours:
6.30am to 10pm Monday to Saturday
7.30am to 10pm on Sundays

Get more help

Tell us about a problem

Report a problem online

Usually takes 4 minutes

Let us call you back

Usually takes 5 minutes

Call us on 0345 1 24 24 24

24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday

phone illustration