Report a problem

Report a problem online

Incidents reported online will be looked at during our working hours:

6.30am to 10pm Monday to Saturday

7.30am to 10pm on Sundays

Report an out of hours emergency

If it's late and there's an emergency, please give us a ring.

If it's not an emergency, please report your problem online and we'll pick this up during working hours.

What are Yorkshire Water's working hours?

Incidents reported online will be looked at during the hours:
6.30am to 10pm Monday to Saturday
7.30am to 10pm on Sundays

Within these hours you can report a leak, big or small and one of our agents will make sure we get the right team on the job.

If you're wanting to report a severe leak, or a leak that is affecting your water pressure outside of these hours, please call us on 0345 1 24 24 24, so we can arrange to fix it as soon as possible.

If it’s not urgent, please continue to report through our online form and we'll look at it as soon as we can.