
  • WF2 No Water/Low Pressure
    Customers in WF2 may have no water or low water pressure due to an issue on our network. Thank you for bearing with us whilst we carry out urgent repairs to restore supplies as soon as possible.

Report a problem

The quicker we know about leaks, bursts, floods, broken covers or any other problems with our pipes, the quicker we can get them fixed.


Let's get this sorted

Select your problem below to read our advice guides and find out who you should contact.

What's the problem?

If your water has changed

If your water is discoloured, or you've noticed a change in the taste or smell of your water, we can help. It's usually nothing to worry about, but we've put together some pages with the most common causes and what you can do about them.

Strange taste or odd smell?

If your water smells or tastes funny, it's usually nothing to worry about, but here are the most common causes and what you can do about them.

Does your water look different?

Discoloured water is normally short lived and can often be cleared by allowing the first incoming cold water tap to run for five minutes.

Check your water hardness

Water hardness is the measure of the concentration of calcium and magnesium salts in your water - two of the essential minerals that your body needs. 

No water or low water pressure?

Our troubleshooting checklist will explain the possible reasons for no water or low pressure and show you how to increase water pressure in your home.

See the check list

Shower over bath
Lower Laithe Reservoir sunset

Check if we already know about the problem

View our map to see whether we're already aware of the problem.

View our map

Still need to speak to us?

If you've followed our advice and the problem isn't on our map, please let us know.

Get in touch

phone illustration

Blocked drains & sewage leaks

Blocked drains and sewage leaks can cause havoc in your home. Follow our simple guide to find out who's responsible and get the problem sorted as quickly as possible.

Blocked drains and sewage leaks

Fish in toilet
phone illustration

Still need to speak to us?

We’re here to help. If there's a blockage or sewage leak in our pipes, please let us know.

Get in touch

Highway gullies

Your local council is responsible for problems with highways gullies. These are the ones found by the side of the road. If you notice a blocked gully, give your local council a ring to let them know.

Find your local council



These are the ones found in roads, footpaths or gardens and have a solid cover. We're responsible for manholes, so if you spot a problem with one, please get in touch.

Report a problem with a manhole

Manhole cover


Signs of a suspected pollution in rivers, water courses or coastal areas could include:

  • The appearance of toilet paper, tissues, wipes, faecal matter, condoms and/or sanitary products
  • A river or stream appearing to look cloudy or milky
  • The appearance of soap suds or foam
  • The presence of a slimy grey sewage fungus
  • Dead or gasping fish
  • Noticeable sewage odour.
Crab on beach
phone illustration

Report a pollution problem

We're here to help. If you've spotted pollution in a water course, please let us know so we can investigate as a priority.

Get in touch

Spotted a leak?

If you’ve got a leaking pipe, not only is it a nuisance, it could be costing you money. Find out what to do and who’s responsible for fixing it.

Read our leak information

Duck swimming
Lower Laithe Reservoir sunset

Check if we already know about the problem

View our map to see whether we're already aware of the problem.

View our map

Still need to speak to us?

We’re here to help. If you've seen a leak in the road or footpath, please let us know.

Get in touch

phone illustration


Find out how to protect your home from flooding and what to do if the worst does happen.

Read our flooding advice
